Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Criminals are gone and more...

I thought this read was a bit boring but the thing that I found most shocking was the "celibacy tax". The idea of women HAVING to have sex or they had to pay a tax for not doing so is just the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. The fact that women couldn't have abortions if they were raped just doesn't sit well with me. That is the only time that I support abortion, when a woman is raped but since Ceausescu decided he wanted to build up his population for no reason since he was a bad ruler anyways and couldn't support them they had to have babies. Another thing that made me mad was the fact that the way the check to see if the women were having sex or not was to give them a checkup every so often and so what if the women couldn't have babies??? Then she would keep paying the tax for no reason. And they were supposed to start having children at such a young age too; 13 years old. I actually liked the way he ended even though I would have liked it to happen sooner and I liked how it was the people that he forced to be born were the people to take him out.
When they started talking about the cops they kinda lost me. I did like that they talked about if you tackle small problems like punishing those urinating on the streets or those wiping dirty stuff across your windshield unless you gave them a good donation, helped prevented the bigger more serious crimes.
On page 115 in the 1st sentence I thought it was pretty stupid that hiring additional police was considered a violation of some type of liberal aesthetics. Like if you need more police officers then you need to hire them it's stupid to not hire and just have crimes spinning out of control and no officers to take care of the problems.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Drug Dealers, Their Mothers, and more...

Wow!!! $3.30 an hour that's cheap and to think that I complain about my $7.50 an hour with plenty of room for advancement and plus the occasional bonuses. That's why they always say that when you think you have it bad there will always be someone who have it worse.
I feel like this book's purpose is to make me forget about everything I think I know and see those things in a new light. School teachers can't possibly cheat but now that I think about it some of my classmates who made honor roll each semester right along side of me with even higher GPA at times, read at an elementary level, cheat on spelling tests, and can't work through simple arithmetics. People who exist to assist us in problems we don't understand takes advantage in our ignorance for their own benifits_that's pretty much true. Now there's a new one to add to the list, the drug dealers you see in the movies with the buttload of cash don't really have all that money.
If drug dealing is so dangerous and just like any other corporate job then I'd rather go the legal and right way and still have my life if I fail rather than lose my life trying to succeed in a business that's so corrupt. I knew a friend who grew up in that kind of environment and I asked her wouldn't she feel better making money in a good profession rather than putting your life on the line for a few bucks and she told me that it was all she knew so regardless of if it was right or wrong that is the only way she can go. For me it was a little different; I knew I grew up in a bad neighborhood but I was never exposed to drugs or anything_I knew it was going on but I never witnessed anything firsthand so I guess it just didn't effect me and also my family are really close and we keep everybody grounded so none of us would go off and follow the wrong path. I think that for me since I didn't see the crap of drugs I don't want to get into it because I'm not comfortable with it_she's been around it all her life so she's comfortable and trust it. She asked me too, if I could make quick cash would I do it and I told her that no matter what getting involved with drugs was not an option. I want to take care of my family and myself with hard earned money not with dirty corrupt ones.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

KKK, Real-Estate Agents and more...

I found it quite surprising that the KKK weren't the main group that were actually lynching the African Americans. Also I thought that the number of lynching being done would have been way higher than it was; 1,111 is a very big number but compared to what I thought it would have been it is not even close. I'm not taking their side here but I think that the KKK was just what it was, an uneducated group of poor people who were easily influenced into doing things that made them feel powerful. Granted there were the generals and lawyers who led them but I guess that's why they were easily influenced. A bunch of educated high class people says "hey we need to do this, and we need to do that" so the uneducated naiive people follows willingly. Plus they were probably bored with their life with nothing to do back then since nothing was really invented yet and especially if you were poor there was really nothing for you to do except mischief. I know when I get bored enough and someone comes up to me to go out and be mischievous I am the first one in; I'd never do anything violent or harmful but a few pranks here and there maybe trespass but nothing to the extreme, something just for fun. I'm sure that's what they thought the gang was going to be like in the first place since that is how it started out but since they got more and more membership they began doing violent crimes and since it was a big gang and all they probably couldn't just leave the Klan if they wanted to so they did what they had to.
I understand how the KuKluxKlan are more like the real-estate agents than how school teachers are like Sumo Wrestlers. And I am appalled that the people with all the info can keep stuff like that from us. How can real-estate agents cheat their clients for their own personal profit when they are supposed to help do whatever is in the clients best interest? And can we call a man cruel for trying to make a huge unnecessary profit on that casket that he keeps gearing you towards buying after your dear grandmother had just passed? I mean when an opportunity arises aren't you supposed to take it?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Images and more...

I do hope I read the right pages.

Anyways on the topic of people always analyzing texts rather then images, I think it depends on the person as for many other things. For me personally I like to analyze images rather than textts. I hate to read and I love to draw so the lesser the words on or in an image the more it is my type of thing. I won't say that I analyze images better than texts or any more professionally but I do like it more.

I know that in the art world there is a technique of making art using ONLY words to create an image so does that count as a text or an image?

I think the main purpose why people quickly take inventory of another person's appearance is just to be aware. You don't just do it with people but with objects and surroundings too. This is why if you were to be called upon to be an eye witness of a crime you will be well prepared to tell your story with great vivid details. Of course some people check other people out for different reasons but overall its just to be aware of what you see everyday.

Its hard to see one thing the same as everyone else because everone has a different brain; a different mind. When you see something one way there will always be someone that sees that same thing another way. The Confederate flag for example is a very popular symbol in the American culture and its really well respected by A LOT of people but there are also A LOT of other people that will see it as something negative.

Its like when an artist create her/his work it is probably a good idea to explain the idea behind it because if it was left for someone else to do it then the original idea may be altered because that person didn't see the work the same way that the artist intended.