I found it quite surprising that the KKK weren't the main group that were actually lynching the African Americans. Also I thought that the number of lynching being done would have been way higher than it was; 1,111 is a very big number but compared to what I thought it would have been it is not even close. I'm not taking their side here but I think that the KKK was just what it was, an uneducated group of poor people who were easily influenced into doing things that made them feel powerful. Granted there were the generals and lawyers who led them but I guess that's why they were easily influenced. A bunch of educated high class people says "hey we need to do this, and we need to do that" so the uneducated naiive people follows willingly. Plus they were probably bored with their life with nothing to do back then since nothing was really invented yet and especially if you were poor there was really nothing for you to do except mischief. I know when I get bored enough and someone comes up to me to go out and be mischievous I am the first one in; I'd never do anything violent or harmful but a few pranks here and there maybe trespass but nothing to the extreme, something just for fun. I'm sure that's what they thought the gang was going to be like in the first place since that is how it started out but since they got more and more membership they began doing violent crimes and since it was a big gang and all they probably couldn't just leave the Klan if they wanted to so they did what they had to.
I understand how the KuKluxKlan are more like the real-estate agents than how school teachers are like Sumo Wrestlers. And I am appalled that the people with all the info can keep stuff like that from us. How can real-estate agents cheat their clients for their own personal profit when they are supposed to help do whatever is in the clients best interest? And can we call a man cruel for trying to make a huge unnecessary profit on that casket that he keeps gearing you towards buying after your dear grandmother had just passed? I mean when an opportunity arises aren't you supposed to take it?
Class Cancelled 3/15
14 years ago
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